Unemployment Good and Bad News

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At Sadek Bankruptcy Law Offices, we realize that every situation is different. Our debt relief lawyers will take the time to learn about your situation and your goals. Our objective is to explain your legal options and offer the best debt relief strategy for you in the most compassionate and friendly manner possible. Call 24/7 to schedule your meeting with a lawyer.


Our office understands the financial stress our clients endure. Therefore, in addition to reasonable legal fees, we offer a payment plan to all of our valued clients to make quality legal services most affordable.


In addition to our primary law office in Center City, Philadelphia, we also have law offices throughout the Greater Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Area and in New Jersey. Our branch offices have contributed to making us the #1 Bankruptcy Filer and debt relief firm in the Greater Philadelphia area. Our goal is to have a convenient location within 20 minutes of where our clients work or reside.

Unemployment Good and Bad News

Thus far, since December of 2007, 7.2 million jobs have been lost, further it is predicted that another 750,000 more jobs may be lost within the next six months.  Even though the economy is slowly turning around and sales are creeping up, companies are continuing to cut costs and squeezing more work out of fewer employees and relying on part time employees for the time being.

Many people who are victims of the sluggish economy are forced to live on a reduced family income, cut discretionary spending and deplete savings.  Due to the reduction of income an increased amount of debt generally follows.  The good news is that unemployment figures are expected to decline from their current 9.8 percent level by the middle of next year.  The bad news is that it is possible that unemployment may go as high as 10.5% before any decline in unemployment is realized.

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